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Local Food

Bedworks stands in Central Square in the heart of Cambridge. Dining options abound in all directions. We hope our food and cultural guides enrich your visit.

Cafés and Restaurants

           1. Life Alive                  Vegetarian           $$           765 Mass Ave.            617-354-5433   
           2. 1369 Coffee House    Cafe                    $             757 Mass Ave.            617-576-4600  
           3. Asmara Restaurant    Ethiopian             $$           739 Mass Ave.            617-864-7447  
           4. ABC Pizza                 Pizzaria                $             744 Mass Ave.            617-876-4607 
           5. Tavern in the Square American             $$           730 Mass Ave.            617-868-8800  
           6. Four Burgers             American             $$           704 Mass Ave.            617-441-5444  
           7. Daily Table              Grocery Store        $             684 Mass Ave.             617-945-1924  
           8. Andala                    Middle East Cafe    $             286 Franklin St.          617-945-2212            andalacoffeehouse  
           9. India Pavilion           Indian                  $$           17 Central Sq.            617-547-7463   
          10. Aleppo Palace           Middle Eastern      $             25 Central Sq.            617-864-0827   
          11. Subway                   Subs                    $             4 Central Sq.              617-873-0878  
          12. Green St. Grill          American             $$$          280 Green St.            617-876-1655  
          13. The Field Pub            Bar                      $             20 Prospect St.          617-354-7345   
          14. Starbucks                Cafe                    $$            655 Mass Ave.           617-354-5471   
          15. Dunkin Donuts          Coffee/Snacks      $             616 Mass Ave.            617-354-8944  
          16. Chipotle                  Mexican                $             598 Mass Ave.            857-500-4066  
          17. Paris Baguette           Cafe                    $             581 Mass Ave.            617-714-3456  
          18. Central Kitchen          Mediterranean      $$$          567 Mass Ave.           617-491-5599            website
          19. Rangzen                   Tibetan               $$           24 Pearl St.                617-354-8881   
          20. The Mad Monkfish    Asian Fusion         $$           524 Mass Ave.            617-441-2116  
          21. The Phoenix              Sports Bar           $$           512 Mass Ave.            617-576-6260  
          22. Clover Food Lab          Vegetarian           $$          496 Mass Ave.            N/A                 
          23. Brookline Lunch         Breakfast            $             9 Brookline St.            617-354-2983           brooklinelunch
          24. Middle East               Middle Eastern     $             472 Mass Ave.            617-864-3278  
          25. Mary Chung              Chinese               $             464 Mass Ave.            617-864-1991  
          26. McDonalds                American             $            463 Mass Ave.            617-497-3926  
          27. Moksa Restaurant      Asian Fusion        $$           450 Mass Ave.            617-661-4900 
          28. Veggie Galaxy           Vegetarian           $$           450 Mass Ave.            617-497-1513 
          29. Mariposa Bakery        Bakery/Cafe        $$           424 Mass Ave.            617-876-6500   
          30. Cafe Luna                 Cafe/Sandwiches  $$          403 Mass Ave.            617-576-3400   
          31. Desi Dhaba               Indian                 $$           401 Mass Ave.            617-547-4121  
          32. Toscanini's                Ice Cream           $$           899 Main St.              617-491-5877   
          33. The Asgard               Irish Pub             $$           350 Main St.               617-577-9100  
          34. Basta Pasta               Italian                $$           319 Main St.               617-576-6672  
          35. River Gods                American            $$           125 River St.              617-576-1881  
          36. India Food & Spices   Indian/Yogurt      $             80 River St.               617-497-6144  

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- The son

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Last Updated: 11/28/24